
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Teaching Culture

Hello everyone! Please post your comments on the unit about "Teaching Culture" and the sample lesson on "Greetings around the world.


  1. Hello Professor!
    Certainly this topic has had great impact in my perspectives. “Teaching Culture” is quite difficult or perhaps it depends on the circumstances which surround you. For instance the first 5 countries we studied: USA, BRAZIL, CHINA, and others were quite interesting because of the wide differences in greetings that a country can develop. Teaching a cultural aspect is nor easy neither impossible. I spent great moments trying to figure out what my classmates were teaching in front of the class. Of course something can be easier to teach than others. I am pretty sure it helped us a lot in acquiring knowledge about teaching and learning cultural aspects.
    Thank you. Bye!!!

  2. Hello professor
    About the topic "Teaching Culture" and the sample lesson on "Greetings around the world I can say that every culture has their own way to communicate in this case the way of greeting with others in one culture, but learn or teach culture is dificult because is necessary to know how we can participate,how we can describe, how we can interpretate and how we can response in other culture finally the presentation of the groups in the class they show us that some culture or countries are more different than our culture or have the same way of greeting and metting.
    That’s all thanks

  3. hello professor
    There many things about Teaching Culture I think that all countries of the world have different costums beginning with the "greeting" it is very interesting like hand movements,eye contact and gestures which these are used in meetings; besides the description that I could see about india, french, italian culture and others these have different perspectives of viewing culture all this is difficult to learn or teach I believe to teach a culture is to have experince, live in another country to teach and share the culture.
    that`s all

  4. HI Professor
    Teaching culture is quite dificult because as a teacher you have to deal with the students and the information you are going to work with. so as a class we learnt alot about CHINA-BRAZIL-US greetings, meals,etc.what called my attention was China because they are so formal they bow each other and most important part was that it has degree baw and about US they practice eye contac

  5. Hello profesor MarĂ­a Eugenia Quispe I think the Patrick Moran’s model is very interesting for culture teaching, because it showed this process knowing how participation, knowing about description, knowing with interpretation and knowing one self response. It applied when teaching aspect of culture. For applied this model talk about greeting around the world. I learnt differents way for greeting in different countries. For example different types of handshakes exist, some handshakes, the visual contac when greet, for examples eyes contac is important in North American, the expression with kisses in greeting of countries as Argentine, the bow in the greeting in China, India. It means that all expression on greeting show respect betwen people that participate. For better teaching these characteristic of greeting profesor used experimental techinique for teaching it. In other words the different expression of body, phrase on greeting show the identity of countries. I think that the knowing of differents caracteristic of greeting around of world is impresidible for our training, it helps the undertanding the culture and tolerate, respect different behaviours of foreign people. Also this knowing is very necesary in specialy when one travel different countries. Other wise I think the used of techiniques and applied the Patrick’s model with answering some question was very important for undertand and learnt different way greeting is important for the learning. This model is necesary for teaching different aspec culture of different countries. It will encouraged to better undertanding.

  6. Hi professor
    The topic was interesting is important to know the culture from different countries because it give us many information about each country. If we want to be teacher it help us to understand to the people their behavior, their custom, we could be more open with the students. Well the teaching culture consists of guiding to the learners through the cultural experience to increase the cultural knowing, for that there is a cycle, we can called the experimental learning cycle, in this cycle there are stages that help to the students to increase cultural behavior (Knowing how) get all information (knowing about) find a cultural explanation in this case we can mention, ask to the student about his experience How do you explain?(Knowing why) give personal responses (knowing oneself) and this repeat like a spiral the teachers need to consciously interact differently with students.
    About the greeting around the world is awesome how the human been made his own custom his own culture, and that is adopt for people that live in the present and it will be adopt for people the next generations. Know more about greeting, schedules, meetings, meals is important nowadays because our planet is immense and our duty like to students or teachers is share these information for example with the children, teach them the worth of a greeting or how should we behavior on the table

  7. How we know every people has a particular way to communicate with others, how we saw for example the Chinese people that greets doing bows or the Italian people that greets with two kisses in both cheeks, well we are culture learners and for us it is so important to be ready to understand about what is happening when we will be in another country with other people because there are stereotypes that can produce misunderstandings at the moment of communication, so I asked to myself how can I avoid this?. Thus I tried to answer and I got a conclusion that says: nobody can learn about culture only through books or simple comments about it, you learn about it in the place where the culture lives and the first tool that we can use to get a better comprehension is of course the communication with a open-mind and thus we can avoid misunderstandings, finally we can get more and better learning about culture.

  8. Greeting
    Professor and classmates,
    Thanks for the oportunity to share a couple of perspectives i have in mind related to Teacing Culture we learn in class
    The first idea is close related to the topics prepared and presented by some classmates and also me, most of them were about some countries' customs such as ways of greetings, foods, gifts, etc every presentation were really interesting but in my poiny of view i wanted to show another kind of perspective related to the paralinguistics' aspects like body movements and gestures that everybody uses at the moment each of us waant to communicate our ideas or feelings, moreover, according to some researchers just 30 percent of communication comes from the verbal aspect the 70 persent comes from our gesture and body moments, but there is where my point of view goes. In some culture some gestures have a different meaning due to this fact i showed the differences among some cultures at the moment of using a determine gesture, in order to share the knowledge of those gestures and its meaning, so the next time one of us can use it to get a better understanding.
    The second point is about how to prepare and handle a class, sometimes everybody canthink it is easy but it is not there many aspect that a professor has to know before teaching any subject and this experiance was really amazing specially because it was in English and sometimes is quite different and a little hard however it was great to play the role as professor.

  9. This lesson was really interesting, specially for me because in the future I would like to teach English and as a language goes with it´s culture I will teach culture too. The stages that Patrick Moran´s model presents are very useful at the time of learning a cultural aspect. It shows steps and with each step questions that focus the learning for learners and also the teacher´s roles and responsabilities. Viewing this process in class I noticed that this model can be applied to many cultural aspects too.
    The sample lesson about “Greetings Around the World” was very nice too, through the readings of greetings of different countries I learned more about the United States, Brazil, China, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates. For example the firm handshake in USA, the one or two kisses of brazilian women or handshaking for men, the unique and slightly bow and handshake of chinese people, the lighter than the more firm american hand shake of british people and the special lingering handshake of men from the United Arab Emirates. Through the presentations in the class, lookink for more information (searching on internet, asking some friends experiences and reading a lot) about a cultural aspect was very interesting. I aslo could learn many other cultural aspects from different countries listening to the other groups and colaborating with one of them was really nice and funny.

  10. Hi professor excuse me to post later.
    This week I learnt the different greetings around the world. Besides I learnt what it carries. Behind of these greetings are the interests of every culture, it also keeps a history of them. Since their past to now, they show their characteristics of a culture and how they get a relationship with other people that belong to other countries. As example of this, is a firm handshake from United States and the introducing of themselves. Other type of greeting is, from The United Arabic Emirate, to take someone’s hand when showing something. In the same way, about the schedules, principally of muslins that start from Sunday and finish Thursday. The ignorance of this internal rules or invisible culture can cause a serious misunderstanding between two cultures. The strict getting of them, in some cultures, stepping other cultures to respect it. While in others cultures are too tolerant of this cultural rules that is the case of Brazilian, who are flexible about their schedule.

  11. well hello everybody

    well, I have read very insightful ideas that help shape the task of teaching culture in the target language . I do agree with Owen about communicative competence that includes this feature. Maybe, we are all well aware of the importance of teaching culture and now wondering how we can do that. IMO, cultural instruction should be implemented together with the teaching of lingustic knowledge and training of languge skills or rather cultural instruction should be intergrated into teaching the target language to ensure the appropriateness as well as the use of that language in intercultural communication. For example, when we introduce greetings in English, it is good time to say in what contexts they are used in English-speaking countries so that students know how to use them properly.
    Yet, once again, we have to think of our goal of teaching that language first that is what I can contribute about this topic

  12. Thanks for these great comments! Being curious about other cultures is important for us because we live in a fantastic world. If you use Patrick Moran´s model, you´ll be able to learn even more. Always keep an open mind!
